"Your store doesn’t have to be a storefront for online competitors."
How To Not Be a Showroom For Amazon
Compel your customers to make that purchase when they visit your store, even when they're browsing the same items on Amazon.
Today’s shoppers are walking in your storefront with a loaded weapon – their smartphones. Don't lose out by failing to subdue this challenge.
How do you secure sales from customers who are constantly checking out your online competitors even when they're perusing your store?
In this insightful session, expert retail consultant Bob Phibbs, the Retail Doctor, will leave you with actionable steps you can take to neutralize the smartphone weapon.

Win the loyalty of your customers.
In this session you will learn:
- How your displays must differentiate your products.
- How your employee scheduling is putting you at risk.
- What to train your employees to do when they see someone with a smartphone. No it's not leave them alone.
- A neat trick to use with your smartphone customers that will make them raving fans.
- And more!

Choosing to ignore the reality of showrooming can be the demise of your business. Consumers can easily conduct a quick price-check while you are helping another customer, they can scan your bar code and compare to any online retailer and buy while your staff is hanging out behind the counter.

Consumers today are drawn to online purchases from companies like Amazon who do not charge tax and offer free shipping. You can’t ignore it or just try harder as some have suggested. You have to go to battle to win the fight for the customer’s loyalty. Let Bob show you the ropes on how to win sales against your online rivals.