Posts about Sales Training

shoelaces tied together
Sales Training - 5 of The Stupidest Questions to Ask Retail Shoppers

Updated August 2, 2024 Retailers must stop tripping themselves up, or their brick-and-mortar stores will bleed customers...

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The 12 Worst Excuses for Not Training Retail Employees

Updated August 26, 2024 Most retail store CEOs, owners, and managers understand that employee training is a key factor i...

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Man bored behind counter
5 Employee Training Methods for Slow Times

Updated February 16, 2024. Looking for ideas to keep employees busy? Let's face it, working in retail can be stressful. ...

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How To Correct The 5 Biggest Salesperson Turnoffs For Retail Customers

Untrained retail employees often think merchandise sells itself. That if a customer wants something, they’ll tell you. T...

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The 5 Shifts Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Are Making to Generate Up to 20% Higher Profits Every Month

Are you a hungry brick-and-mortar store owner who’s ready for a fresh, people-obsessed strategy? This training is for you if you want to grow your business using a powerful customer experience formula proven to make your cash register chirp.