9 Tips To Grow Your Seasonal Retail Business

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Updated October 10, 2024

Many retail sales training programs don't cover the seasonal retail business, and retailers search in vain for guidance every year as the holidays approach.

What is seasonal retail?

Are you not sure if your business is considered “seasonal”? While most retail businesses experience predictable fluctuations throughout the year, a seasonal business revolves around events or holidays and is typically only open for part of the year. 

The overriding thing to think about seasonal businesses - the kiosk in the mall, the swimsuit shop on the Cape, or the ski village retailer - is that they are all gift stores. What I mean by that is your customers are either buying gifts for someone not with them or gifting themselves because they are on vacation.

That's an important distinction for the business owner because it means potential customers are more open to higher-priced items than at the scores of seasonal businesses that only tout things on "sale" or lower-quality goods these shoppers can get anywhere else.

Though seasonal businesses aren't the most traditional type of retail operation, they can be very profitable if they are in a solid location frequented by many tourists and vacationers. If you operate a seasonal shop, or if you're thinking about opening one:

Strategies to grow your seasonal retail business

When your retail store is open for just part of the year, you have no time to waste on trial and error. These expert tips will help you make the most of your store’s busy season by taking advantage of the unique strengths of a seasonal retail business. 

1. Market yourself 

While you might have been more comfortable advertising through traditional channels (including print, radio, and television), you should instead leverage social media to your benefit. Facebook, in particular, offers a quick and inexpensive way to reach a highly targeted base of customers.

2. Advertise in advance of opening

One mistake many new seasonal business owners make is waiting until they're open to start advertising. Take a page from the PR experts advertising concerts and theatrical productions and launch your marketing efforts a few months before you open for the season. This tends to draw a steadier stream of customers to your retail store more quickly.

3. Know your locale

Whenever possible, sell products that have some local connection. Examples include locally made goods, merchandise with local themes, and products directly connected to the location where you've set up your seasonal retail business. 

For instance, if you're running a beachfront kiosk, chances are good that sunblock will be a strong seller, but one from a local provider would be even better. Your trump card should be in carrying items not easily found online or back home.

4. Use sensible hiring practices

You should exercise as much discretion and due diligence when hiring seasonal employees as you would if you were hiring a full-time permanent employee. Ask for references, conduct background checks and ensure they'll be an asset to your business. Hiring friends and your kids can cripple your ability to be profitable. Just sayin' ...

5. Clear out old seasonal merchandise

So many seasonal retailers hold onto old merchandise because they feel "it never gets old." Guess what? It does. Have a big clearance sale while there are still many shoppers in your town, village or resort -- don't wait for the off-season.

6. Pick your products wisely

All the sales training in the world won't help you if you pick the wrong products. Stick to proven top-selling items; you don't have time to be patient with slower-moving products, even though they might offer a slightly wider profit margin, or you fall in love with them. Successful seasonal businesses thrive on volume.

7. Give shoppers a reason to buy

It's a well-known fact that people are more likely to spend money on vacation. Differentiate yourself from your competitors and you'll see more money coming your way. Display a few items thoughtfully rather than racks and racks of the same thing. Highlight new uses for an older product. Come up with great signs that make customers stop and consider your items.

8. Diversify your business

Always look for ways to diversify your business so that you're not so dependent on the boom-and-bust cycle of the seasonal operation. Can you open more businesses that run in different seasons?

9. Use the off-season to your advantage

The most successful seasonal business owners use their downtime to recharge and prepare for next year. 

Clean the entire store—that means removing the lint in the corners of the rug, the leftover tape from signs, the staples from decorations, and the like! 

Crunch the numbers. Look for new ways to improve and market your brand. Refocus your growth strategy

Take sales training courses -- like SalesRX.com. In short, improve yourself, and you'll improve your business.

See also: 9 Secrets To Effectively Managing Retail Employees [Infographic]

Sales come first, even for seasonal retail stores

The main thing to remember is that you have to sell what you have in store. Otherwise, you will look like some quaint museum with employees stalking customers from behind piles of clothes.